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Playa Swamp Cooler available

Hi Gang,

Among other things last year, i built and tried out a bucket-based swamp cooler, which uses a 12V fan to drive air through the wetted open-cell foam pad medium in the bucket and thence through a 5" duct into...whatever you want cooler.   See the type of device here:

I was able to get about a 10°F reduction of the interior temp on my van, not as much as I was hoping for.  I suspect the fact that the van has a relatively large interior volume and no insulation may have made it difficult for this low-powered cooler to do the trick for me.  Nonetheless, many folks have built these and used them successfully to cool their tents, igloos, vehicles, etc.   It draws little power, and can be run for many hours on a single car battery or deep cycle battery without recharging.  (I have a solar panel to recharge, so never had to think about it.)   If you'd like to try your luck with this, I'm happy to pass it along to another party.  I spent about $100 on materials for it, so would like to cover at least part of my costs if possible.  Give me a shout off-list if you're interested at plumlightnin (at) sonic (dot) net .   I'm in Oakland CA.