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Please help with our Village Infrastructure -- this year and next

Hello Hushvillians:

This is Rascal, the Infrastructure Lead for our fair village. I am supported by a whole cast of people far more capable than I, most notably Plum Lightnin’.   I am writing to ask for some help with infrastructure related things.

Our village infrastructure includes things like our Town Round Dome (erected at the center of the Village), the Flash Cube (where we hold events serving all of Black Rock City), T stakes and flagging to mark off our perimeter, whiskers to demarcate our roads, Hushville town limit signs, and a barricade for the village main gate.

Here are some requests:

  1. Infrastructure for Hushville costs money. If you haven’t already done so, please chip in via PayPal friends and family to
  2. Although we have a good crew of folks who will help set up Hushville during Build Week, we will need a few more people to help with strike and clean up on Monday and Tuesday after the Temple Burn.
  3. We also need people who want to become the shepherds of our Hushville infrastructure after this year’s event. You would take home a piece of our infrastructure, store it at your house or other location, and bring it back for Hushville 2023.
  4. Our Town Round bulletin board traditionally includes a map of our Village, to help people find their friends.  We need someone to draw the map.  This could be done before the event (and then printed in large format and laminated), or on-site around the time the gates open.  Requires moderate skills either with computer graphics or mapping, or hand-drawing with a marker and maybe a ruler. We will supply the information... you do the drawing. Would you like to draw the Village map for us?

If you can help with any of #2, #3 or #4 above, please reach out to me directly at

In Dust We Trust,

Rascal (sometimes known as David when not on Playa)