Ask questions, share ideas, promote your event and much much more. You have come to the right place.
So go ahead and register, create your username and password and join the fun. You MUST include your first and last name in your registration. We urge you to subscribe to the Announcements topic at least, to get important info from the Flounders in your email inbox. The subscribe link is at the bottom of each page in the topics.
If you receive a log in message saying your profile is waiting approval please email admin(at)hushville(dot)org
Reserved Arctica Shift Sign Up for Hushville Staffing through June 24th, 11:59 PM

Quote from Tig on June 19, 2019, 8:55 amContinuing the not so long, quasi-annual tradition of the Hushville Ice Soiree, Arctica the coolest place on the Playa, has a shift dedicated for Hushville campers. The shift is reserved for us through June 24th 11:59 PM allowing us first come first serve staffing at Centre Camp for the 12:00 shift Tuesday, August 27th. Sign up even if you think you are coming to Burning Man, we can always backfill cancellations.
When: Hushville Staffing, Centre Camp, Tuesday, Aug 27th 11:45 am to 3:15pm
Google Drive Sign Ups are open through June 24, 11:59pm, dedicated to Hushville Campers for a short time. Volunteers roles can be explored below if you haven't volunteered there before. This is great work for first time Burners!
1st Step Please CLICK HERE to sign up by June 24th 11:59pm
2nd Step Fill out the Volunteer Questionnaire, noting 'Arctica' in the form, if you filled one out & worked Arctica recently you're good, if you've filled out the questionnaire previously and not mentioned 'Arctica' you need to do it again.
Volunteer roles (click the links to see more information on any of the roles)
PUSHERS, SLINGERS, CASHIERS, LINE BARKERS (GREETERS)Thank you for volunteering, post questions here or shoot me email. Tig
From the Folks at Arctica, recently:
Subject: Hushville Arctica Theme Camp Shift Sign Up
Hi Hushville!
Thank you for signing up to do a Theme Camp Shift with Arctica! We're excited to have you!!Hushville is signed up for the following shift:Date: Tuesday, August 27th 2019Location: Center Camp IglooTime: 11:45am - 3:15pmWe've created a SCHEDULE with your camp's shift with all of the available roles listed. Please take a look and sign up for the role you are interested in.SIGN UP DEADLINE: Monday, June 24th at 11:59PMAs with general Shiftboard signups, this is a first-come, first-served system. If the role you are interested in is full, please select another one.If ALL shifts are full, you can still add your name to the list - you can switch people out of roles, with exception of Cashier (which requires specific training).Please ensure that you have completed your Volunteer Questionnaire, and that the email address / name you use to sign up matches that of your Burner Profile / Shiftboard Account. Otherwise, I won't be able to assign you to your role, and you will have to sign up with general volunteers - no exceptions).Please CLICK HERE to check out the schedule!If you have any questions, please send them my way.Dusty Hugs,Ashley GartshoreArctica Volunteer CoordinatorPenguin Wrangler
Continuing the not so long, quasi-annual tradition of the Hushville Ice Soiree, Arctica the coolest place on the Playa, has a shift dedicated for Hushville campers. The shift is reserved for us through June 24th 11:59 PM allowing us first come first serve staffing at Centre Camp for the 12:00 shift Tuesday, August 27th. Sign up even if you think you are coming to Burning Man, we can always backfill cancellations.
When: Hushville Staffing, Centre Camp, Tuesday, Aug 27th 11:45 am to 3:15pm
Google Drive Sign Ups are open through June 24, 11:59pm, dedicated to Hushville Campers for a short time. Volunteers roles can be explored below if you haven't volunteered there before. This is great work for first time Burners!
1st Step Please CLICK HERE to sign up by June 24th 11:59pm
2nd Step Fill out the Volunteer Questionnaire, noting 'Arctica' in the form, if you filled one out & worked Arctica recently you're good, if you've filled out the questionnaire previously and not mentioned 'Arctica' you need to do it again.
Volunteer roles (click the links to see more information on any of the roles)
Thank you for volunteering, post questions here or shoot me email. Tig
From the Folks at Arctica, recently:
Subject: Hushville Arctica Theme Camp Shift Sign Up
Hi Hushville!

Quote from Tig on June 23, 2019, 5:58 pmHello Burners, we have only one more day to register with Arctica for a reserved dedicated shift staffing Centre Camp Igloo for Tuesday August the 27th. This is also the easy, no brainier method of registering to volunteer Arctica for reserved spots.
Volunteering for Arctica is a great way to help the Interactivity coefficient of Hushville Village remain high, especially for first time burners.
Reserved spots go away after this Monday the 24th, it may be possible you can still register for our shift but you'll be battling the general public in late July for positions after other theme camps block positions and you'll battle 'Shiftboard' software with a necessary additional profile & password and the not so intuitive navigation through Shiftboard menus for remaining positions, nothing guaranteed. Pull the trigger, Tig
1st Step Please CLICK HERE to sign up by June 24th 11:59pm
2nd Step Fill out the Volunteer Questionnaire, noting 'Arctica' in the form, if you filled one out & worked Arctica recently you're good, if you've filled out the questionnaire previously and not mentioned 'Arctica' you need to do it again.
Volunteer roles (click the links to see more information on any of the roles)
Hello Burners, we have only one more day to register with Arctica for a reserved dedicated shift staffing Centre Camp Igloo for Tuesday August the 27th. This is also the easy, no brainier method of registering to volunteer Arctica for reserved spots.
Volunteering for Arctica is a great way to help the Interactivity coefficient of Hushville Village remain high, especially for first time burners.
Reserved spots go away after this Monday the 24th, it may be possible you can still register for our shift but you'll be battling the general public in late July for positions after other theme camps block positions and you'll battle 'Shiftboard' software with a necessary additional profile & password and the not so intuitive navigation through Shiftboard menus for remaining positions, nothing guaranteed. Pull the trigger, Tig
1st Step Please CLICK HERE to sign up by June 24th 11:59pm
2nd Step Fill out the Volunteer Questionnaire, noting 'Arctica' in the form, if you filled one out & worked Arctica recently you're good, if you've filled out the questionnaire previously and not mentioned 'Arctica' you need to do it again.
Volunteer roles (click the links to see more information on any of the roles)

Quote from Tig on July 3, 2019, 8:19 amAll folks who missed the registration for Arctica Hushville Ice Soiree from last week can sign up with the general public if space allows when Arctica Shift Board goes live in the end of July. I suggest that you start early to profile yourself for Shift Board and successfully log on and learn the menus, so that you can jump on it as soon as it opens up, it is harder and harder each year to get signed up. Tig
To streamline this process, please make sure every individual volunteer that is participating has filled out their BURNER PROFILE and VOLUNTEER FORM (remember to select “Arctica Ice Sales” in the volunteer form!)
FYI:Hi Hushville,Your camp is officially registered for your Arctica shift! Please note that you won't have received notifications for this, as shifts aren't yet published. You will be able to check on your shift once that happens (an email will go out to all volunteers at that time).Please note that the following camp member did not have a Shiftboard Profile that matched the email address shared in your camp's shift sign up sheet:Delia InghamIt is possible that they have a profile under different addresses, but I cannot confirm that I would be assigning the correct person to the shift without complete information. Given the number of people I have to assign to roles over the next few days (while working my day job and traveling for business), I will not be able to follow up with them and assign them to their role at a later time. They are welcome to sign up for your camp's shift when the schedule goes live for general volunteers in a few day's time.Please let me know if you have any questions.Thank you SO much for volunteering with Arctica! We're excited to see you all on playa in just a few weeks!Dusty Hugs,Ashley GartshoreArctica Volunteer CoordinatorPenguin Wranglershe / her
All folks who missed the registration for Arctica Hushville Ice Soiree from last week can sign up with the general public if space allows when Arctica Shift Board goes live in the end of July. I suggest that you start early to profile yourself for Shift Board and successfully log on and learn the menus, so that you can jump on it as soon as it opens up, it is harder and harder each year to get signed up. Tig
To streamline this process, please make sure every individual volunteer that is participating has filled out their BURNER PROFILE and VOLUNTEER FORM (remember to select “Arctica Ice Sales” in the volunteer form!)

Quote from Cupcake on July 3, 2019, 8:39 amHi Tig,
To remedy the oversight on the missing email for Delia, can we simply update the GoogleDoc Sheet? I'm confident she completed the volunteer sign up sheet.
Please advise your understanding of how to best address.
Thanks, Cupcake
Hi Tig,
To remedy the oversight on the missing email for Delia, can we simply update the GoogleDoc Sheet? I'm confident she completed the volunteer sign up sheet.
Please advise your understanding of how to best address.
Thanks, Cupcake

Quote from Rob on July 3, 2019, 11:54 amI missed the Arctica sign up (as many did). I do check shiftboard somewhat regularly. If any member does see the Arctica sign up schedule appear on shiftboard, can you please post a reply in this thread (I will do the same if I see it pop up).
In a recent email email exchange with Ashley the Penguin Wrangler, she hinted the Arctica schedule should be released in a “few days time” (we all know a few could be 5-30+ days).
I missed the Arctica sign up (as many did). I do check shiftboard somewhat regularly. If any member does see the Arctica sign up schedule appear on shiftboard, can you please post a reply in this thread (I will do the same if I see it pop up).
In a recent email email exchange with Ashley the Penguin Wrangler, she hinted the Arctica schedule should be released in a “few days time” (we all know a few could be 5-30+ days).

Quote from Rob on July 5, 2019, 5:35 pmARCTICA SHIFT SCHEDULE HAS BEEN POSTED for Sign up!
HUSHVILLE-Tuesday 25th Centre Camp 1145-1515ish
HUSHVILLE-Tuesday 25th Centre Camp 1145-1515ish