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Several Tickets With Vehicle Passes Available

We have a number of tickets available right now. Two with a Vehicle Pass and one without. The preference is that they be for folks camping with Hushville, but it isn't required.

In addition  we have 6 tickets and 3 vehicle passes from the Borg Late Season Directed Group Sale program that will be available to purchase on July 10. These are only for folks camping in Hushville.

Please contact me asap if interested in either of these opportunities.

El Leon

Hushville Camp Lead

elleon at

Hi Elleon, This is my 3rd burn and my first camping experience with Hushville. I'm looking forward to it! I'd like to buy 1 ticket and 1 vehicle pass at the standard price. Can you help me out with this?  Thanks for considering!


Hi! are there any tickets and vehicle passes for sale still?