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Short Shorts and Gin & Tonics

Yep, gang, it's that season again--time to think about what you'd like to present to the assembled masses (typically 40-50) in a few minutes (3-4 minutes max) for this year's Short Shorts and Gin and Tonics.  I'll provide the latter, and YOU provide the former.  I'm shooting for about 10-12 short presentations of spoken word, songs, true stories, outright fabrications, readings, wildlife vocalizations, poetry, etc.  (primarily human voice, but non-amplified instruments are fine also).

The SSGT will be held in the HomeSweetDome at 5:05pm on Wednesday August 29.  I'd appreciate your letting me know ahead of time what you'd like to do so I can organize a bit (   So put on your thinking caps, and come up with something you'd love to share with an appreciative crowd of wonderful Hushvillains.  I can't wait to hear from you!

Yours in Dust, Plum Lightnin'

Vermillion has reacted to this post.

Sounds wonderful, Plum!  Thanks for organizing and hosting.