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Short Shorts and Gin&Tonics (short stories and other 3 minute presentations)

Hei Gang,

Get your thoughts wrapped around a short (3-minute) presentation you'd like to make at the Short Shorts and Gin&Tonics event on Wednesday at 5pm in the Magic Marty street-side structure in Hushville.  The presentation can be a song, short story, remembrance, confession, reading, poem, comedy sketch,  or idea for the betterment of humanity--pretty much any performance that you can do in 3 minutes).  Bring your cup and a chair.  We'll be serving fresh gin and tonics as long as the supply holds out (lime and tonics if you don't do alcohol).   We've been doing this for 10 years or so now, and I've always been amazed and pleased at what I hear and see.  Every year is different, with a range of stories from the humorous to touching, fun (non-amplified) vocals and instrumentals, and a generally good time.  See you there!

Plum Lightnin'