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ShortShorts and Gin&Tonics

Hei-hei Gang!   Can you believe it's only 7 weeks til that thing we do in the desert?

So, it's time again to prep for your 3-minute-or-shorter presentation at the whateverth-annual SSGT on Wednesday afternoon at 5:05pm in the Home Sweet Dome!  Any story, poem, reading, song, idea pitch, speech, or similar (non-amplified of course) is just fine if you can fit it into 3 minutes.  Don't be shy--we'd love to hear from you.  You can email me directly with your questions or to sign up.  Typically we have time for 10-15 presentations.  Sign up now to arrange a slot.   I always look forward to the SSGT, as years past have had fantastic, fun, touching, and interesting voiced gifts to the Hushville community.

And for those who want to hear the wondrous oral presentations, I'll again be providing cold gin & tonics (or lime and tonics for those who don't drink ethanol)--just bring your cup!!

Less than TWO WEEKS?!  Oh, my.  And only 17 days until SHORT SHORTS AND GIN & TONICS!

That means you can't procrastinate on digging up that favorite book passage, poem, call to action, intimate revelation, personal anecdote, or fun/touching/melodious/whatever song that you can gift Hushville.  Just assure me that your voiced act is under 3 minutes (we might stretch it slightly, but it wouldn't hurt to practice at home), and we'll make a slot for you.  Be at Home Sweet Dome at 17:05 on Wednesday afternoon to make your presentation and/or enjoy gin&tonics (bring yer cup).   I will preside and dispense some of my favorite readings between acts.  Whether you show us wisdom, fun, elements of interest, or just good writing or speaking, we want to hear it!

"It's impossible," said pride.

"It's risky," said experience.

"It's pointless," said reason.

"Give it a try," whispered the heart.

Oh, I shoulda/woulda/didn't say "bring a chair" as well as your cup...
