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Some news about Town Round

Ohio had a devastating fire in his garage yesterday, he lost everything that was in it including his 3 vehicles, all his camping,rafting and balloon equipment. He also had the Hushville Town Round shade structure stored and it was destroyed. Ohio is ok just working though his losses. He has decided he won't be attending the burn this year but I am sure all of those who know him will be sending him positive vibes to get through this.


This is devastating news >>hugs<< Not only did Ohio lose lots of his fabulous gear but it's a double blow as he won't be coming home to burn with us this year. Ohio - you will be sorely missed. You were so incredibly welcoming and helpful at my first and second burns, and I'm honestly feeling at a bit of a loss as to where to plonk myself on playa if I'm not in "Ohio's camp"! We all feel your pain of lost beloved items and trust that we'll be reunited in the dust in the not too distant... xx

That really is a heartbreaking loss, in so many ways. I'm so sorry to hear.

Oh!  What a terrible loss!  He will be missed!  Is there any way we can make a contribution for him?  A fundraiser?

Oh that’s terrible news.

I hope he can replace his ballooning gear.

let us know what we can do to help replace town round.

Catnip (I lived in hushville many years ago and am looking forward to coming home this year)

How much would a new one cost?

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