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SSGT (Short Shorts and Gin&Tonics)

It's been too many years since the last SSGT was held in Hushville, but we WILL be holding one this year on Wednesday August 31st at 17:05 (5:05 p.m.).

What is a Short Short you ask?  It does not refer to an item of clothing.  It does mean any short story, poem, song, instrumental piece, joke, personal confession, book excerpt, special-to-you experiences, etc. that can be conveyed without amplification in three minutes to the rapt audience of imbibers of Gin & Tonics. Audience members should bring their cups and chairs.

I will provide the gin, limes, ice, and tonics, and you provide the Short Shorts.  Think about what you'd like to present, and please practice and time yourself in advance.  (I try to limit the event to an hour, leaving enough time for about 15 presentations and some of my favorite Shorts.)  Past Shorts have ranged from the whimsical and humorous to the heartfelt and touching.   We've been blessed with many wonderful Shorts that our great eclectic Hushvillians have offered over the years.  See you there!



brigitgoddess and Ken Mitchell have reacted to this post.
brigitgoddessKen Mitchell
Quote from PlumLightnin on July 31, 2022, 11:15 pm

What is a Short Short you ask?  It does not refer to an item of clothing.

Thank you for this clarification.

True story.

My first year in Hushville I was actually concerned about going to Short Shorts and Gin&Tonics thinking that the Short Shorts was referring to a style of dress I wasn’t comfortable with. Then I got there and people were dressed normally (well, at least normal for burning man).

It wasn’t until my second year, reading Plum’s announcement on the forum that it occurred to me… Oh I get it, “Short Shorts” is referring to short presentations.

Hmmm, maybe I shouldn’t admit this.