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Thank you 🙏🏽
Quote from
LolaSwims on September 4, 2024, 2:39 pm
I am not sure if my thank you note went through a couple of days ago….so here it is again! Thank you to our FABULOUS Hushville neighbors- you made our return to the Playa after a 20 year hiatus absolutely perfect!!! What an amazing burn!! 🔥 We feel so lucky we got to know you kind and generous Hushvillians. 🍀 And the biggest thank you EVER to The Flounders!!! Your hard work spent organizing us all, working with BMORG on placement and LNT, the time spent on the set up and tear down of the communal structures, etc, etc, etc did not go unnoticed and is GREATLY appreciated!!! 🙏🏽 We are already plotting our return and are thinking of ways in which we can contribute to the Hushville magic next time we are back on the Playa with you all! 🌈💫🤩 XO
I am not sure if my thank you note went through a couple of days ago….so here it is again! Thank you to our FABULOUS Hushville neighbors- you made our return to the Playa after a 20 year hiatus absolutely perfect!!! What an amazing burn!! 🔥 We feel so lucky we got to know you kind and generous Hushvillians. 🍀 And the biggest thank you EVER to The Flounders!!! Your hard work spent organizing us all, working with BMORG on placement and LNT, the time spent on the set up and tear down of the communal structures, etc, etc, etc did not go unnoticed and is GREATLY appreciated!!! 🙏🏽 We are already plotting our return and are thinking of ways in which we can contribute to the Hushville magic next time we are back on the Playa with you all! 🌈💫🤩 XO
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