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Thank You 2023 Hushville Villagers

The Flounders hope you are all home, safe, sound, and clean.

We want to thank everyone who stayed with us this year in Hushville. You were amazing! 100 fantastic events on our Calendar. Many of you also helped by volunteering to help set up and decorate our event spaces and our infrastructure and clean up our MOOP. You rose to the occasion in spite of the challenging conditions. We couldn’t have done it without your help! It really does take a village to make a village happen!

We'll be posting this year's group photo soon.

If anyone has any comments (positive or negative) or suggestions about your 2023 Hushville experience, please email: elleon at

If you had a great time at Hushville in 2023 and want to make it even better next year, consider volunteering. If you are interested, shoot me an email at the address above and I’ll put you on my list of potential 2024 volunteers. We can use help on our Events Team, Infrastructure Team, and LNT Team.

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