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The Crusty Swan Returns--and has space for campers!

Hello! Momma Swan here (aka Brigit Zent).  Though I will not be returning to the playa, my beloved Crusty Swan will, under the new leadership of Audra Cannon.  Audra is currently recruiting new camp members and I'm helping her out.  The Crusty Swan, in case you never visited us in Hushville, is an Irish-themed "mini" pub.  The camp is limited to 12 people each year in order to keep it intimate (and hopefully drama free!).  It's an eclectic crew with a range of ages, and LOTS of fun!  You'll be asked to help out with staffing the pub (so you must be 21 and over) but only for 2-4 hours during the week, so you'll have lots of time to enjoy the city.  She's looking for campers willing to lend a helping hand when needed, friendly, drama-free and who love the Burn!  Drop me a note at my email and I will pass along your information.

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