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The Last Annual Magic Marty Immodest Mimosa Mile

Hei Gang,

Once again, I will be hosting the last annual MMIMM.  I was inspired some years ago by the infamous Magic Marty, who convinced me I could overcome my inhibitions and ride my bike naked around the playa, which we did.  Not only was it physically freeing and sensuous to feel the air on my whole body, but it freed up that part of my mind that was reluctant to experience something different and gave me a bit of a confidence boost, too.  (Well, the woman who called out "nice ass!" didn't hurt in that department.)    Yeah, most of us probably feel we're too fat, too skinny, too saggy, too small, too pale, too hairy, or too something--but make the effort to suppress those reactions for once and enjoy a short respite from the tyranny of clothing.  (shoes are OK)

Join me and other Hushvillians on a brief naked morning bike ride to the Man and back, after which we'll imbibe Mimosas or Mockmosas as you prefer.  We'll start Wednesday morning the 31st at 08:30 at Camp PlumLightnin' on the Town Round.  It's early enough and a short enough ride that you won't have to slather on sunblock.  And the first 25 participants will get a cool MMIMM sticker to memorialize the event!  See you then!


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