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Update on 2022?

Looks like there are a lot of changes coming down from above for BM in 2022.  Can we get an update on Hushville's plans for this coming year?  I'm still wanting to form a new camp in Hushville (The Crusty Swan) and would love more info about more or less when to expect DGS and how to get my camp on board for those this year, as well as how the changes might effect Hushville.  Thanks

Hi, Happy to give you an update. Hushville will be on playa in 2022. We are currently beginning to work on our plans. We will begin contacting previously placed theme camps within Hushville early in the new year to begin to map out your requirements so stay tuned we will contact you directly. And for new camps wishing to join Hushville we will publish our process to join in January as well.

As most of you are aware Placement has put a heavy emphasis on "interactivity" in order for Hushville to continue being placed we will require all camps who wish reserved placement within Hushville to provide our events team with a detailed plan for their interactivity/events they plan to organize either streetside or in our Flash Cube performance space, this will be manditory this year.

The Events team will publish more information in the new year. So all camps wishing to be placed with reserved space in our village should begin their event planning soon.

We also plan to open our camping registration earlier than in previous years we will let everyone know when we pick the opening date

We are excited to once again bring Hushville to the playa, the last two years have been difficult for everyone and we look forward to an EPIC burn in 2022



Yes - changes on the playa.  One of the changes I am aware of is the elimination of coffee, beverage or any sales at Center Camp - the Cafe will be closed.  So I think any opportunity to fill the void with gifting beverages may be a good "interactive" connection that Hushville Theme camps could offer.