Quote from
Deepstar on June 5, 2024, 7:50 pm
Great new folks we have our address for 2024
Hushville will be at Enchant & 4:45
This is the same location as previous years.
So here is what you need to do now
If you haven't registered to camp with us hope over to our camping in Hushville page and register. Remember if you don't register you cannot camp with us so do it now.
Get the events you want to host on our events calendar. Go to our 2024 events page and submit your event. Remember we NEED you to participate
I will be reaching out to our internal theme camps to get the size requirement for your camp.
If any new camps would like reserved camping please contact me deepstaar@yahoo.ca to discuss
If you're struggling on how to plan an event contact our events team events@hushville.org they will help
Let the fun and games begin
Great new folks we have our address for 2024
Hushville will be at Enchant & 4:45
This is the same location as previous years.
So here is what you need to do now
If you haven't registered to camp with us hope over to our camping in Hushville page and register. Remember if you don't register you cannot camp with us so do it now.
Get the events you want to host on our events calendar. Go to our 2024 events page and submit your event. Remember we NEED you to participate
I will be reaching out to our internal theme camps to get the size requirement for your camp.
If any new camps would like reserved camping please contact me deepstaar@yahoo.ca to discuss
If you're struggling on how to plan an event contact our events team events@hushville.org they will help
Let the fun and games begin
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