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WEather Porn

HI every body


Here is your weather Porn for HV. Or better for the drive to HV.  This summer we are seeing a return of the North American Monsoon. A weather pattern typified by extremely intense afternoon thunderstorms starting in early July and tapering off in September. Since we are in a fourteen years drought in the Inter Mountain West it's possible many of you have never seen or forgotten Monsoon season. The real danger is a slow moving intense storm. We've had a couple here in NM that have dropped five inches (13cm) in less than an hour.


So I thought I'd review flash flood safety.

  • Never drive into flowing water. Even a few inches can move your car and you don't know how deep it is. Also there's always a hole on the downstream side of the road. Be especially careful at night when it is harder to recognize the dangers of flash floods. Just wait, it'll go down.
  • Never camp/pull off to nap in a wash. Just because it's not raining where you are doesn't mean that it didn't rain up stream. Here is a flood forty miles away and six hours after/from where and when the rain fell. Imagine being caught in your tent or trying to swim in that!
  • If you are caught, CLIMB TO SAFETY!




To check the weather ahead of time, here is the Reno National Weather Service (NWS) radar:

Clicking on the radar map zooms in.


You can use the Compass rose in the top left corner to navigate to the regional radars along your route. It may take a couple of hops. Also in the top left corner of each radar page is a link to the local NWS regional office. Clicking on that takes you to the watches & warnings page for that office. Clicking on that page gives the local forecast with a link to the written warnings for that location.



I want to see you on the Playa. Be Safe




PS  here is a link to the Sun and Moon data. The closest sites I could find are Lovelock, NV and Susan ville, CA For you engineering types Susanville is 70miles away and Lovelock 57. Extrapolate



As an engineering type, I'd interpolate, not extrapolate (he-he).

Thanks for the warnings re flash floods.  Hoping we don't get rain, but good to be prepared and know what to do.

