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Welcome Home in 2021
Quote from
Deepstar on May 13, 2020, 7:59 am
To all of you who love to camp with us in Hushville, we want to assure you we plan on bringing our village back to the playa in 2021. So while we all 'social distance' and keep healthy take this time to start planning for your awesome super amazing camp that you will build within our village in 2021. We WILL see you soon.
The Flounders
To all of you who love to camp with us in Hushville, we want to assure you we plan on bringing our village back to the playa in 2021. So while we all 'social distance' and keep healthy take this time to start planning for your awesome super amazing camp that you will build within our village in 2021. We WILL see you soon.
The Flounders