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We've been placed!
We just got the official word from Placement:
It is our pleasure to inform you that Hushville has been officially placed for Burning Man 2019: Metamorphoses! Your camp has been placed as a Village.Your approximate location is Echo & 5:15 and will measure approximately 400 feet by 440 feet.
Now that we've been placed, Hushville registration will open soon.
We just got the official word from Placement:
It is our pleasure to inform you that Hushville has been officially placed for Burning Man 2019: Metamorphoses! Your camp has been placed as a Village.Your approximate location is Echo & 5:15 and will measure approximately 400 feet by 440 feet.
Now that we've been placed, Hushville registration will open soon.
Quote from
Shimmer on July 1, 2019, 10:45 am
Hi Little Jack,
This footprint looks a bit smaller than last year, true?
Hooray that we're on 5:15 and E!
Any news on our neighbors?
Hi Little Jack,
This footprint looks a bit smaller than last year, true?
Hooray that we're on 5:15 and E!
Any news on our neighbors?