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Will You Be Serving Food At Your Event?

I'm posting information I recently received from the BORG about serving food in BRC:

Whether it's ramen or pancakes, smoothies or poutine, we want to help you fight the threat of foodborne illness on the playa.

The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health (NDPBH) has requirements for camps serving food or beverages. You must apply for an receive a food permit from NDPBH as a Temporary Food Establishment for your camp if:

  • You wish to share or serve food or certain beverages including fresh squeezed juice, coffee with dairy, or even snow cones, to the general Burning Man population (including gifting food, regardless of number of people served); or

  • You will be preparing or serving food to more than 125 fellow campers in your camp.

If you have a communal kitchen shared by 125 or more campers and meals are prepared individually or in smaller quantities than for 125 persons, a permit is not required. However, we highly recommend you review the guidelines for safe food handling to keep everyone safe.

If you meet the requirements for a permit, here are the steps you need to follow to become complaint:
1. Complete a Permit Application: Instructions on how to apply are available at "How to Apply Online” or “Returning Participants - Instructions for accessing your account.
  • Applications must be received by close of business day, Friday, August 11, 2023.
  • NDPBH does not issue new permits at Playa Info!

2. Pick Up the Permit from Playa Info in Center Camp: Once your application is approved, you will receive written notification of approval. Once approved, you must pick up the permit between 11am-5pm PT daily from August 26 through Wednesday August 30.

  • IMPORTANT: You MUST pick up your permit in order to be in compliance. Previously, several camps failed to pick up their permit and could not be located for inspection, which could affect your standing with NDPBH and the BRC Placement Team.

If you have additional questions, please contact the NDPBH at (775) 687-7533 or email

The deadline of August 11 to apply for a permit is fast approaching. I filled one out for my camp's event. It took about 30 minutes.